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Hayes Park School

Mission Statement

Hayes Park Special Resource Provision (SRP) for children who present with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a separate building with spaces for 13 children.

It covers an age range from 5 to 11 years.  The staffing ratio follows the recommendation of the National Autistic Society (NAS) of 1 teacher/specialist speech and language therapist and 2 assistants to 6 children.

The organisation of a child’s day is supported by the use of visual prompts and timetables.  We make use of the ‘Widgit’ ICT package.  We use the smart board to offer exciting visual support at all times and the children’s timetables are clearly displayed and discussed in their Acorns classroom.

Mission Statement

We are working together to create a safe but challenging environment for all individuals. All individuals are valued, respected and included and achievement is celebrated. All pupils are enabled to communicate, socialise, learn and prepare for well – being in their future lives as effectively as possible by providing high quality teaching, therapy and care.