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Hayes Park School

Extra Curricular Clubs

Contact Clubs directly on the dedicated email at: Clubs@hayesparkschool.co.uk


We run a number of clubs throughout the school year and the provision varies to try to give the children a taste of things they wouldn’t normally experience. These clubs run in addition to our Chill Out Club, which is part of our wraparound service.

Throughout the year we will run a range of clubs for a range of year groups from year 1 to year 6, which include: Crafts, Coding, Dance, Gymnastics, Basketball, Dodgeball and Multisports. 

In order to see the timetable of clubs available, book a club and pay for the clubs, you will need to visit School Cloud https://hayespark.schoolcloud.co.uk/

Please note that clubs are very popular and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. You will be notified once booking is available.

Please click here to view details about our Breakfast Club.