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Hayes Park School

Junior Road Safety Officers

Formally known as Junior Road Safety Officers, our KS2 JTAs are elected by their peers at the beginning of every academic year. The role of our JTAs is to promote road safety around our school and encourage children and their families in our local community to make healthier and safer choices, in and outside of school.

The JTA team are involved in a wide range of activities throughout the year including:

  • Preparing and competing in the Dragon’s Den annual event where the children pitch a road safety idea to a judging panel with the opportunity of winning money to support the pitched project; we are proud to have been successful in this project for several consecutive years and have earned the money to have road safety banners made and displayed around school, which were designed by the children through a whole school competition, safer speed bumps in the staff car park and money to buy road safety books for the children’s library
  • Launch whole school competitions and events such as Be Bright Be Seen, Walk to School days, The Daily Mile, pedestrian training and bike competitions
  • Attend regular meetings to discuss projects and share findings
  • Share road safety information via the school’s blog page