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Hayes Park School

Head Teacher's Welcome

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Hayes Park School.

The school is a vibrant, inclusive learning community and is a fantastic place to work and learn. At our heart is the vision to prepare children for life-long learning through our PREP values (Perseverance, Respect, Excellence and Partnership). The achievement and progress of our pupils at the end of key stage two is above the national average (and in many cases significantly above); please see our results page for further details.  Key to this is the priority given to early reading and our excellent early years provision as the foundation of learning.

Should you be interested in a place for your child at our school, please feel free to contact the school office to arrange a visit. Meanwhile, please enjoy perusing the website (or follow us on Twitter @hayesparkschool) to learn more about the great things happening at Hayes Park School every day.

Mrs Broadhurst
Head Teacher

Hayes Park School is a Foundation School. This status enables the Governing Body to establish the long-term aims of the school, appoint high-quality staff and manage the budget accordingly. Governors, staff and parents/carers work together to ensure that the quality of education provided for the children in our care is of the highest order. The Clerk to the Governing Body may be contacted through the school office.