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Hayes Park School


At Hayes Park we are proud of our achievements; the Headteacher and staff work very hard to build positive partnerships with all parents and pupils.

However, if any parent, carer has a concern about their child’s education or any concern relating to school, then we encourage them to talk to their child’s teacher in the first instance (either directly, or by contacting the school office: office@hayesparkschool.co.uk or 02085736117).  Should concerns need escalating, each year has a year team leader and an identified senior leadership team link.

Most complaints can be resolved at this informal stage.

Formal procedures will be invoked when initial attempts to resolve the issue are unsuccessful and the person raising the concern remains dissatisfied and wishes to take the matter further.

As a school, complaints are rare, but when they do happen, we investigate thoroughly and try to resolve every complaint in a positive manner; we treat every complaint as an opportunity to improve.

To read our Complaints Policy please visit the Policies page