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Hayes Park School


At Hayes Park School we aim to build a welcoming, inclusive and stimulating community environment within which each child feels positive, valued and safe, and takes responsibility for their behaviour.

We have a school uniform because we feel that this helps nurture a sense of school pride and community, however, we are mindful of cost, therefore do not insist that items have the school logo on them.  Our chosen uniform is comfortable and practical for day to day school life.*

To minimise the distress and inconvenience of mislaid items we ask that all uniform is labelled with your child’s name.

Please see our uniform policy for further information.

hayes park school uniform 4 .pdf


Uniform can be purchased online through our supplier: Morsons School Wear, 662 Uxbridge Rd, Hayes

We hold regular second-hand uniform sales in the playground.  Please contact us if you are in need of uniform and are struggling; we can always help.

*Please note that we are currently in the process of updating our logo; a change in uniform will happen over time.

Cardigans and sweatshirts with our school logo on can also be purchased from Morsons School Wear, 662 Uxbridge Road, Hayes.